Monday, February 19, 2018

Mayon Ourburst: The Queen has Risen!

MOD Vol. 25 No. 1120, February 19, 1993
On the cover: Josephine Velasquez

No, this article, “Mayon Outburst: The Queen Has Risen!” is not current. It was written 25 years ago, but by coincidence the volcano is again in outburst.

“May the glory of the LORD stand forever, and may the LORD rejoice in His works! When He looks at the earth, it quakes; when He touches the mountains, they pour forth smoke.” – Psalms 104:32, The Revised English Bible.


  1. These kind of articles, along with other articles related to current events and news, are one of the reasons why MOD became no. 1 in the Filipino family's hearts, since these articles helped the MOD woman be well-informed.

  2. Yes,indeed, MOD is complete magazine. Two of my articles in MOD won for me 2 Science & Technology Journalism Awards from the Philippine Press Institute. Mrs. Sioco, the editor-in-chief even allowed me to have a Math column, which was the first of its kind. It was a hit among students and teachers, and was even endorsed by the Department of Education.
