Monday, February 5, 2018

Celebrity Profile: Yitzhak Rabin

Celebrity World Vol. 4 No. 234, February 5, 1996
On the cover: Video jockey and MTV Asia star Nonie Tao

A profile of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, published two months after he was assassinated.

“Hear my prayer, LORD, and listen to my cry; come to my aid when I weep. Like all my ancestors I am only your guest for a little while. Leave me alone so that I may have some happiness before I go away and am no more.” – Psalms 39:12-13, The Good News Bible in Today’s English Version.


  1. can u please share the article on nonie tao of this magazine. will be grateful

  2. if u could scan it and publish it here or email it to me...will be great!!!thanks in advance

  3. Be an enthusiast (follow my blog) and give your email.
