Today, September 11, 2021, is
the 104th birth anniversary of Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos Sr (1917-1989),
the man who served longest as president of the Republic of the Philippines.
Many things have been written
about him. During his ascent to the highest office of country, good and
promising; during his early incumbency, praises and accolades; during his
reelection, visions and reformations, during his struggle against the
oligarchy, encouragements and criticisms; during his last days in power, woes
and worries; and during the reign of the Yellow Regime, defamations and lies.
Indeed, much of the written
accounts about President Marcos inside books and textbooks printed after
February 1986 have been polluted by halftruths and lies that the younger
generation of Filipinos have difficulties discerning the truth. Looking back,
it was the first act of Cory’s Yellow Regime to purge all the good things that
Marcos did, burn the documents, and replace them with all anti-Marcos
concoctions they could invent. They pursued this for more than three decades
until finally everything exploded in their faces.
Well, no matter what has been
said and written about Marcos, one truth cannot be denied of the man – he had
left a legacy so great no forces could purge, burn or topple them.
In commemoration of President Ferdinand E.Marcos’ legacy, here are several magazines with him on the covers.
Philippine Free Press (November 20, 1965). |
The Sunday Times Magazine (November 28, 1965). |
Time (October 21, 1966). |
The New York Times Magazine (with Imelda R. Marcos, February 26, 1967). |
Sunday Observer (March 18, 1973). |
Liwayway (June 15, 1981). |
Chinatown East (October 20, 1982). |
Metro Timesweek (against Cory Aquino, February 2, 1986). |
Time (against Cory Aquino, February 3, 1986). |
Newsweek (March 3, 1986). |
Asiaweek (with Imelda R. Marcos, July 5, 1987). |
Sunday Inquirer Magazine (February 19, 1989). |
Philippine Free Press (with the Marcos Family, April 15, 1989). |
Asiaweek (October 13, 1989). |
You know, history
has the uncanny ability in correcting itself, and karma has a way of getting
back at those who tried to distort history. Behold, as it unfolds!